
Business Profile: Wellness Matters – A Biological Path to Achieving Optimum Health & Vitality

Posted by: Caryn Best in Business Spotlight

health & welness speaker seriesWhen Davidson Realty Agent Ana Speziale extolled the virtues of Wellness Matters, a clinic based in Palencia that helps clients achieve health and wellness through holistic and biological medicine, we invited Co-owner Susan Burns (Wellness Matters is owned by Susan Burns and Kay Turbyfill) to be our featured speaker at the Davidson Speaker Series in February.  It was a fascinating presentation and it made us want to learn more about the clinic and what they do. 

“Often times our clients come to us when they have been let down by main stream medicine,” said Burns.  “We practice biological medicine which is an integrated and more thorough approach than traditional medicine.  We’re not concerned with merely treating symptoms; we’re interested in getting to the root cause of a health issue,” explained Burns.

Wellness Matters helps a variety of clients – from those suffering with a catastrophic illness to those who just want to gain energy, vitality and feel their absolute best.  The treatment starts with an intensive one-and-a-half-hour physical and depth health history interview.  “We truly act like detectives in our quest to understand the client, from their childhood and family health to their emotional well being and personal health history,” said Burns.  From there, specific tests may be ordered on a case-by-case basis to help in the information-gathering stage.  The result is a written meticulous personal protocol for each client, and a required eight to 12 weeks for the client to follow the Wellness Matters protocol.  “It’s crucial that our clients are committed to following the personal plan developed for them,” said Burns.

Wellness Matters offers a broad spectrum of services that includes detoxification, oxygen therapy, enzyme therapy, nutritional supplementation, anti-aging medicine and more.  Bioidentical hormone therapy is a specialty of Wellness Matters’ Kay Turbyfill, ARNP, FNP- CNHP.  Autoimmune diseases, ADHD, thyroid conditions and Fibromyalgia are also some of the commons ailments treated at Wellness Matters.

Susan Burns, MSN, CNHP, ND, CNC, BCIH, is a leading practitioner of biological medicine. She was first exposed to a more natural and holistic approach to healing while working in Latin/Central and South America, teaching in the medical universities for Project Hope. She was impressed with the time that a physician spent talking with the patient. An extensive History and Physical was completed, with a comprehensive patient specific protocol designed specifically for that patient to follow.  Burns actually saw patients “get better”.
Her journey began almost 20 years ago, and her life changed in 1997, when she attended her first formal training with Dr. Thomas Rau, MD from the Paracelcus Klinik in Switzerland. Burns is more dedicated and excited today than when she first began formally studying European Biological Medicine 15 years ago. She attributes this enthusiasm to the reversal of serious chronically ill disease processes that she has personally observed. Burns has continued to study with Dr Rau over the past 12 years, both through the EBS and from multiple visits and time spent with the Klinik in Switzerland.
Burns began her career in the emergency medical field originally as an EMT/Paramedic, flying “Life Flight” as the chief flight nurse for over 13 years. She has also worked in the major Trauma centers around the country as head trauma nurse. She has been on many trauma teams over the past 25 years, serving in devastated areas such as Homestead, Florida, post Hurricane Andrew. Burns is trained and certified in Homeopathy, Nutritional Counseling, Herbology and many other wholistic approaches to wellness. She recently completed the Certified Natural Health Professional curriculum, a precursor to her Naturopathic Doctorate.

More information about Wellness Matters is available at


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