Falling Water at Bear Run is the internationally-acclaimed, magnum opus of America’s most famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW). The house he designed in 1936 for Pittsburgh’s department-store magnates, Edgar J. and Liliane Kaufmann, was truly a labor-of-love on the part of both the architect and the clients.
It is said that FLW worked out the entire concept in his head – and upon being pressured by the Kaufmann’s to put up or shut up – he drew the elevations and floorplans in one afternoon, to finally be ready for his client presentation that had taken numerous months to schedule. FLW’s first completed and colored perspective rendering, that afternoon, captured the aura, character and allure of the house and the waterfall – almost precisely as the home would eventually be built.
The Kaufmann’s were quintessential patrons – in love with their property, their site and FLW’s unique and unprecedented (and quite expensive) concept. They were unbelievably accommodating – making every allowance for FLW’s prevarications. The back-and-forth challenges were wearisome – and the Kaufmann’s endured endless grandstanding from their architect, as in the following examples from FLW’s letters to Mr. Kaufmann:
“Kindly refrain all interference with me in my work at this time. Send me what I ask for. Easy to spoil the entire work by lack of confidence in my ability to handle my own work. Kindly stand by. Read my letter mailed yesterday. In circumstances like these there is only one doctor. Be thankful you didn’t lose him. Now be good enough to realize the truth of what I say.” – and this gem:
“It never occurred to me that you had not enough common sense, when we set this up, to stick to itthrough thick and thin. I must ask for this reassurance from you – in writing this time – as necessary to your own interest as well as mine if this building is to be creditably finished.”
We live in different times – an understatement, for sure. But, should you have the opportunity to work with experienced, capable and enlightened design professionals in the creation of your dream home and property – you will be well-served to challenge, yet follow, their advice. Collaboration is fun, but better, more finely crafted results are often created when there is a clear voice of design leadership. And remember, when it comes to intrinsic home values for generational use or re-sale, home and gardens conceived by design professionals maintain the highest returns.
At one particularly difficult summit, FLW submitted a form for his client, Mr. Kaufmann, to sign : “I hereby agree to do all in my power to see that the architect’s instructions to the builder – are faithfully executed and that no exterior advice or criticism be allowed to interfere with the architect’s authority over matters concerning the character and integrity of the building I have engaged him to build for me. And this is to continue until the building is completed to our mutual satisfaction.”
Yes – we do live in different times!
If you are looking for some great advice, contact one of our a trusted Real Estate professionals who can guide (not coerce) you on a clear path to your goals.