Well, we just had another successful Sneak Peek Open House in Heritage Landing at World Golf Village on December 5. Families from around the area strolled through five homes in the community that are available for sale through Davidson Realty. One of them told me they like being able to look at a bunch of homes without any pressure. And that is great – because that’s exactly why we host the Sneak Peek Open House every month! Since we encouraged visitors to bring toys to donate to Sertoma Toys for Tots this month, the event was a double success. Thanks to those that donated!
As I mentioned, we normally have Sneak Peek Saturdays on the first Saturday of every month, but since the first Saturday in January is the day after New Year’s, we thought we would skip January and host the next event on February 6. That will be just in time to celebrate the Super Bowl! And we have some great ideas to tie our register-to-win gift to the big game. So, get ready to tour St. Augustine golf homes in the Cascades at World Golf Village and win something wonderful!
See you in February!