
Popcorn Personality

Posted by: Rick Pariani in Tips

If you have been following along with this Series, you know that in our last article, “Like an Athlete in Training – Picture This”, I shared ideas on how to personalize the show and sale of your home.

I suggested that you don’t have to “stage” your home for sale as if it is a model home. I recommended that you showcase your home’s personality and portray it as a “happy home” enjoyed by family and friends. I thought I had evidence of the wisdom of that approach when we got feedback from a buyer who said “we can see ourselves living here”.

Well – Life is about Learning and Learning is Life.

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Almost 10 years ago, the U.S. housing market turned downward and many Americans lost their homes to foreclosure. As a result, these families moved to rental homes, apartments and condos, waiting for the right time to buy again.

Now that the market has recovered, “boomerang buyers” as they’re called, are returning to the market ready to jump back in. However, many others still don’t know if they’re financially ready.

Bank of England Production Manager Troy Silhan recently explained how boomerang buyers can know when they’re ready, as well as what they can expect in this new market.

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